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ENVO CHEMICAL GROUP COMPANY: Actively fulfill corporate social responsibilities and contribute to building a beautiful China

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ENVO CHEMICAL GROUP has always been committed to fulfilling corporate social responsibilities, actively participating in various charity and social welfare activities, giving back to the society with practical actions, and delivering positive energy.

As a leading enterprise in the water treatment industry, ENVO CHEMICAL GROUP has always paid attention to environmental protection and sustainable development issues. In the past few years, we have actively participated in various environmental protection and charity activities, and strive to contribute to the construction of a beautiful China.

In 2019, ENVO CHEMICAL GROUP Group Company donated 2 million yuan, and under the guidance of Zhengzhou Charity Association, established the “ENVO CHEMICAL GROUP Public Welfare Fund” to fund school education and help needy groups. In addition, we also actively participate in some environmental protection activities, such as “Earth Hour” and “Beach Cleanup Day”, calling on employees and all sectors of society to take action together to protect the earth and the environment.

In addition, ENVO CHEMICAL GROUP Group also pays attention to employee welfare and social responsibility. We attach importance to employee health and safety, provide comprehensive health protection and vocational training for employees, and allow employees to work and grow in a healthy and safe environment. We also actively participate in various social welfare activities, such as donating money to support the fight against the new crown epidemic, participating in supporting the reconstruction of earthquake-stricken areas and other activities.

As a company with a sense of social responsibility, ENVO CHEMICAL GROUP Group will continue to pay attention to social development and environmental protection issues, actively participate in various charity and social welfare activities, give back to the society with practical actions, and become a beneficial force for the society.

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