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ENVO Chemical was recognized as an A-level enterprise in environmental protection performance

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ENVO Chemical was recognized as an A-level enterprise in environmental protection performance

Environmental protection performance A-level enterprises are the performance rating standards determined by the state to promote the improvement of corporate environmental protection, especially the improvement of air quality , and are regional and industry-leading enterprises in environmental protection performance.

Since November last year, Envo Chemical Group has clearly established the goal of creating an A-level enterprise in environmental protection performance, formulated standards, compacted responsibilities, and carried out item-by-item investigation and rectification according to national standards. The ultra-low and stable discharge of various pollutants has been realized, the raw material storage places and transshipment links of various products are fully closed, the exhaust emissions of transport vehicles in the factory have all reached the national five or above or replaced with new energy vehicles, and the intelligent access control system is integrated with the logistics and metering systems The integration has fully met the requirements of national environmental protection performance A-level enterprises.

It has been recognized as an A-level enterprise in environmental protection performance, which demonstrates the responsibility and responsibility of state-owned enterprises. While achieving obvious social benefits, it has achieved “independent emission reduction” during the response to heavily polluted weather, creating conditions for full-load production throughout the year and better economic benefits.

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