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ENVO Group Chemical Industry Park was selected as one of the top 30 chemical parks in 2022

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ENVO Group Chemical Industry Park was selected as one of the top 30 chemical parks in 2022

On December 23, the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation Chemical Industry Park Working Committee held the “2022 China Chemical Industry Park and Industrial Development Forum” in the form of online live broadcast, and announced the list of the top 30 chemical industry parks in 2022 at the meeting. ENVO Group Chemical Industry Park was selected into the list of “Top 30 Chemical Industry Parks in 2022”.

In 2022, the Park Working Committee of the Petrochemical Federation will carry out a comprehensive evaluation of high-quality development for more than 600 chemical parks across the country. A comprehensive analysis and evaluation of development and smart construction was carried out. Finally, the top 30 chemical parks in the comprehensive evaluation of high-quality development of chemical parks in 2022 were selected. Since 2015, ENVO Group Chemical Industry Park has been shortlisted in the top 30 parks for 8 consecutive years.

In recent years, ENVO Group Chemical Industry Park has always adhered to the concept of “safe development, green development, and circular development”, actively responded to the country’s call for “structural adjustment and mode change”, solidly promoted the conversion of new and old kinetic energy, and took the road of high-quality development. Promote the coupling of the innovation chain and the industrial chain, give full play to the advantages of chemical engineering integration, and concentrate on the construction of characteristic chemical parks. The park covers an area of 7 square kilometers, forming a relatively complete interrelationship of “coal, salt, fluorine silicon and new chemical materials” product chain. The overall planning area is 18 square kilometers, with sufficient development space and sustainable development conditions.

The park has more than 70 sets of production equipment and more than 100 types of products. With pulverized coal continuous gasification as the leader, synthetic ammonia, formic acid, hydrogen peroxide and other devices have been built to provide high-quality raw materials for the development of high-end chemicals and new chemical materials. Starting from ion-exchange membrane caustic soda, a relatively complete salt chemical industry chain such as methane chloride, tetrachloroethylene, chlorinated paraffin, and chlorosulfonic acid has been built, providing support for the development of new chemical materials. Combining coal, salt, and petrochemical raw materials, the industrial chain has been further extended, and high-end chemical and new chemical material production facilities such as polyols, new refrigerants, organic silicon, fluorine materials, nylon 6, and polycarbonate have been built, forming a high-end Chemical and chemical new materials multi-product network.

With the rapid development of the park, a chemical engineering industry integrating R&D and design, manufacturing and installation of chemical equipment, and project trial operation has been formed. It has a Class A design institute in the chemical industry, the highest level of pressure vessel manufacturing and installation qualifications, and has formed an experienced and skilled chemical engineering team. Possessing EPC engineering service capabilities, it has played an irreplaceable role in the construction and development of chemical parks.

The park actively builds the “Industrial Internet + Hazardous Chemical Safety Production” project, deeply promotes the integration of informatization and industrialization, applies advanced information technology, and builds a high-quality information management platform integrating dynamic three-dimensional perception, intelligent management, intelligent service, and intelligent decision-making applications. . All devices adopt advanced DCS, SIS and other advanced control systems, the automatic control rate is over 99%, and the production data automatic collection rate is over 99%. It has won the “China Smart Chemical Industry Park Pilot Demonstration Unit” and was included in the first batch of “Safety Chemical Industry Park” construction pilots.

Adhering to green and circular development, promoting comprehensive utilization of waste, cascaded utilization of energy, and recycling of water resources, it is the first chemical park in the country to achieve zero discharge of wastewater. It is promoting a series of measures such as in-depth treatment of VOCs and building an A-level enterprise with environmental performance to build a zero-waste Park. Promote the synergistic effect of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, increase energy conservation and emission reduction transformation, and achieve both energy consumption intensity and carbon emission intensity. It is the first batch of “green chemical parks” recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the first batch of “green Park” is also the first batch of provincial-level chemical parks recognized by the province.

After years of development, the park has embarked on a road of high-quality development of “integration, intensification, park-like, and intelligent”. First, strive to improve the comprehensive level of the park, and help the chemical industry to develop in a better and stronger direction.

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