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GB 2760-2014 National Standard for Food safety

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Food additives refer to chemical synthetic or natural substances added to food for the purpose of improving food quality, color, aroma and taste, as well as for the needs of anti-corrosion and processing technology. Due to the rapid development of food industry, food additives have become an important part of modern food industry, and has become an important driving force of technological progress and innovation of food industry. In the use of food additives, in addition to ensure its due function and role, the most important thing is to ensure food safety and health. In order to standardize the use of food additives, ensure the safety of food additives, the National Health and Family Planning Commission in accordance with the “Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China” relevant provisions, formulated and promulgated the GB2760 “Food Safety National standard food additives use standards.” The standard specifies the types of additives allowed in food, and specifies in detail the scope of use, the amount of food.

Principles of use of food additives

1.1 The use of food additives shall meet the following basic requirements:
a) shall not cause any health hazard to human body;
b) Food spoilage should not be covered up;
c) Food additives shall not be used for the purpose of doping, adulterating or forgery to cover up the quality defects of food itself or in the process of processing;
d) The nutritional value of food itself should not be reduced;
e) Reduce the usage in food as much as possible on the premise of achieving the desired effect.

1.2 Food additives may be used under the following circumstances:
a)Maintain or improve the nutritional value of the food itself;
b)As an essential ingredient or ingredient of certain special dietary foods;
c)Improve the quality and stability of food and improve its sensory properties;
d)Facilitate the production, processing, packaging, transportation or storage of food.

1.3 Quality standards for food additives
The food additives used in accordance with this standard shall conform to the corresponding quality specifications.

1.4 Principles of Insertion
1.4.1 Food additives may be introduced into food by food ingredients (including food additives) under the following circumstances:
a) The use of the food additive in food ingredients is permitted in accordance with this Standard;
b) The amount of the additive in food ingredients shall not exceed the maximum allowable amount;
c) These ingredients shall be used under normal manufacturing conditions and the content of the additive in the food shall not exceed the level introduced by the ingredients;
d) The amount of the additive introduced into the food from the ingredients should be significantly lower than the level normally required for its direct addition to the food.

1.4.2 When a food ingredient is used as an ingredient for a particular end product, an additive approved for use in such particular end product may be added to such food ingredient and the amount of the additive in the final product shall meet the requirements of this International Standard. The label of the specified food ingredient shall clearly indicate that the food ingredient is used in the production of the specified food.

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